Friday, December 30, 2011

Enjoying a break

Well, fall semester is over and done with.  I came out with A's in both of my courses.  I'm all registered for spring semester.  Classes start on the 9th of January, so I still have another week until I have to dig in.  I'm still feeling a bit apprehensive and anxious about the next semester, but I'm also eager to get started. I'll be taking Current Issues in Family Life Studies, Family Culture and Diversity, Teenage Development, and Families and Social Policy.  It's going to be a heavy semester, but it also promises to be really interesting and engaging.
 For now, I'm trying to focus on relaxing during the break and taking some time to get things done around the house and also to spend time with my family. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

This poor blog I created has  been quite neglected lately.  It is now almost the end of fall semester.  My two classes have been uncharacteristically easy for me, which has been nice.  I just hope it doesn't translate into total overload once my much heavier spring semester comes along.  Due to some changes in the semesters that certain classes are being offered, I've had to change my graduation plans.  I was planning on graduating in December of next year, 2012 and only taking 2 or 3 classes per semester in an effort to achieve that ever elusive "balance" in life.  But now if I did that, I wouldn't be able to graduate until spring semester 2013.  So I've decided to buckle down and get this degree finished in August of 2012. 
In order to do that, I'll be taking four classes spring semester and three classes summer semester.  It's going to be a whole lot of work.  I've taken three classes before, but I've never made the jump to full time with that fourth class.  I'm a bit nervous about how I'll do.  I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my school work and I hate to get anything less than an 'A'.  It's definitely going to be a stressful and busy nine months. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall Semester

Well, my fall classes are now in full swing.  So far, so good.  I love that I'm not feeling completely overwhelmed.  I definitely did the right thing by downsizing to 2 classes.  My family finance class is interesting and promises to be something I can definitely use in my everyday life.  I like my persuasive writing class as well.  It's a blend of debate, research, and writing skills. 
The kids are back in school now too.  So I try to get my school work done in the morning or early afternoon so that I'm free to make sure they get their homework and reading done.  I do still have one child at home, but luckily she's great at entertaining herself for a little while so that I can get things done. 
It's looking like it's going to be a nice, calm semester.  Just what I need. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Goodbye Summer Semester!

Summer semester is officially over!  I can't tell you how thrilled I am about that.  I finished up all my exams and assignments last Saturday at 4:30am.  Then we left late that night for a family camping trip to Oregon.  It was so nice to have all my school work finished before we left so that I could just relax and enjoy. 
I feel like I did pretty well in my classes.  Final grades aren't posted yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll have two A's and a B.  The B will likely be in statistics.  As much as I loathed environmental chemistry, I think I got an A, maybe an A-.  
So I'm finally taking my own advice and slowing things down a bit.  I know I said that at the end of spring semester, but this time I mean it.  Since January, I have been taking 3 classes each semester.  I have been stressed out, tired, a bit moody, and insanely busy ever since.  So I am only taking 2 classes this fall, Family Finance and Research Writing with a Persuasive Emphasis.  Scaling back by one class per semester will only delay my graduation by one semester.  So I figured I'd rather graduate with my sanity intact and my family taken care of. 
Fall semester starts August 29th.  I'm really looking forward to having the next 2 weeks to breathe. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I see the light at the end of the summer semester tunnel!

I realize that I haven't really made good use of this blog.  I don't update it as often as I had initially intended to.  But I do like having a place specifically for all my education related musings, rants, questions, etc. 
The summer semester is finally winding down.  By that I mean that it's almost over.  The workload has done nothing but increase.  We're going on a family vacation during finals week, so I'm scrambling and cramming to get everything finished and turned in and all my tests taken by next Friday.  I didn't think that this would be too difficult because finals week usually just consists of one exam per class.  But for some reason, two of my three professors have deemed it appropriate to have several assignments during that week in addition to our exams. 
So, more for my benefit than yours, here is the breakdown of everything I have to get done in the next 9 days:
  • For Psych Statistics----luckily my professor is very straightforward and sensible.  I've already completed all of the assignments, including the one that's not due until next week.  She's posting our take home test this Friday and then the proctored portion of the exam is available next Friday, just in time.  The take home will be the most time consuming and requires a few hours at the distance education center in Salt Lake to complete.  I plan to have it finished by next Tuesday or Wednesday so I have time to study for the proctored portion.
  • For Environmental Chemisty---This one really kind of irritates me.  We usually have one set of chapter problems per week, but for some reason my professor decided to have two sets of chapter problems due during finals week as well as our final exam. So I have three sets of chapter problems to complete and I have two exams to finish by next Friday.  He just posted Exam #2 yesterday and said that when I email him that I'm ready, he'll post the final for me.  His exams consist of 2 very extensive essays as well as an analysis and report on an article from a popular news source.  Here's an example of one of my essay questions:      
 Starting with a brief description of the ‘spheres’ on earth (e.g.,
atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, etc.) describe the chemical cycle of
one of the nutrient or micronutrient elements. Be sure to answer the following in your

 How does how the molecular identity of the element changes in space and/or time? Be sure to make the distinction between organic and mineral forms of the element.
How does sunlight influence the chemistry?
 What influence does oxygen have on the oxidation state?
 What are typical species found on the surface? How does speciation change with environment?
 Describe at least two mechanisms for interaction between the ‘spheres.’
Incorporate equations, e.g., Henry’s Law, where possible, pointing out what each term in the equation means, and how the equation is used to model the environment. What are the main transportation mechanisms in the air, soils and in water?

 How, if anyway, is man influencing the role of this element?
 Speculate how understanding the natural cycle may help understand pollution chemistry.
Yes, that is all one question.   I find that each question takes about 4 to 5 pages to answer thoroughly and if you don't answer it all thoroughly, you don't get the points for it. 
  • For Middle Childhood Development---We have weekly discussions we have to read and contribute to.  During finals week, the professor wants us to watch a movie depicting middle childhood, something like 'The Sandlot' or 'Stand By Me' and write up an analysis of examples of different theories of middle childhood development that we saw in the movie as well as any textbook cases of various developmental stages that were shown.  In addition to this, I have one more observation paper to write.  This requires me to carry out one of her listed activities with a set of school-aged children and analyze the results in a 5+ page paper.  
I'm still not sure how I'm going to get it all done.  But, on the bright side, in 10 days it will all be over and I'll be enjoying my 3 week break before fall semester.  I'll just take a deep breath, order some pizza for dinner, pour myself a tall, icy glass of diet Coke and get to it!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Is it just me, or does having 3 psych stats exams within 30 days sound like a bit much to anyone else?  I'm just saying. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Seriously, Chemistry is Frying my Brain!

So this week is my first exam in my environmental chemistry class.  The good news is that it is an at home, non-proctored exam and is open book, open anything.  The bad news is that it consists of doing research and writing 4 separate essays.  I emailed the professor today to ask how long he wants these essays to be, because the questions that he poses could easily be 3-5 page research papers and I'm not sure how to condense it all down into an "essay".  I haven't heard back yet. 
I started the first one today and it's just exhausting.  I think it's because I have absolutely no interest in the subject matter.  The test is due next Tuesday, which wouldn't be a problem except that we've decided to take an impromptu camping trip this weekend.  Nate has a rare three days off in a row, so we thought we'd take advantage of it.  We're leaving early tomorrow and will get back on Sunday.  So I guess my Monday and Tuesday will be fabulous cramming days finishing up this test.  Hooray! 
I can't wait for this semester to be over.  I'm usually such a stickler for getting A's, but with this class there will be rejoicing in the land if I can at least pass it.  Eight weeks.   Eight weeks.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Writing yet another paper that feels pointless

I have a paper due this weekend that I have been putting off for a few weeks.  Why? Partly because procrastinating is something that I'm really good at and I think that I sort of crave that little bit of drama that comes with getting things done at the last minute, but mostly because it just feels like a pointless assignment. 
It's for my middle childhood development class.  It's a library paper.  I have to use the university's online library system to do a series of searches and find an article, any article as long as it as to do with middle childhood. I have to document every search I do, which keywords I use, how many results I get, etc. Then I have to pick an article and write a review about it.  My professor says that the purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that we know how to look up a scholarly article on the library's database.  Here's what irks me.  This is an upper division class!  If you don't know how to look up a peer-reviewed journal article on a subject that you're interested in, you really should go back to your freshman year and retake that library class that they make you take or the research class that we've all taken already in order to get to this class. 
Yes, I feel like this assignment is a waste of my time.  I can find an article in one search, but she wants us to do at least 4 and document what we learned with each search.  Seriously?! 
Anyhoo, thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  Guess I'll get back to reviewing the article that I found in my first search and then did three more "searches" for just so I could put in on my search log.  I really don't think I'm going to have 5 pages worth of things to write on what I learned from doing this assignment.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll come up with something so that I can please the professor and get that 'A'.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I should have listened to my gut.

Summer semester is only 3 weeks along and I'm already feeling burned out and overwhelmed.  I should have taken my own advice and either taken the summer off or just taken two classes instead of three. 
Oh, and my chemistry class is of the devil!  That is all. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting in the Swing of Things

This is the second week of the summer semester and all my classes are in full swing.  I can already tell that environmental chemistry is going to be my least favorite.  The lectures are insanely long.  We're talking 3-4 hours worth of lectures for each chapter.  I just can't stay interested in chemistry for that long.  It's just not in me!  My goal for this class is simply to pass, hopefully with at least a B. 
My psychological stats class is pretty easy so far because it's just reviewing things I learned last semester in intro to stats.  I'm pretty confident that as long as I keep up with the pace and watch the lectures, I'll do well.  She's a good teacher and explains things really well. 
As for middle childhood, I think it will be really interesting.  Right now the professor is having some technical difficulties, so a lot of the course content isn't posted.  She's just got us doing the reading and discussions and working on a library assignment that is due next week. 
I made it through my first week without missing any deadlines and I've figured out the schedules for the classes.  Chemistry is due on Wednesdays, stats on Tuesdays, and middle childhood is due on Fridays.  My two girls got sick over the weekend.  So in between playing nurse and hauling around my clingy 2 year old I've been trying to listen to lectures, do my reading, and remember how to convert parts per million to molarity. 
So far, so good. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

My 5 day break and Jumping Back In

I'm thrilled to report that I received 200/200 on my stats exam and 98/100 on my development and aging exam!  I love ending the semester strong.  I earned A's in all three of my spring semester classes.

Since summer semester starts today, I only had a few days off in between.  I wish I could say that I used the time to get something grand accomplished such as my spring cleaning or some big project or something, but I mostly did the opposite.  I used the time to do absolutely nothing!  I read a book that was NOT a text book, and enjoyed spending time with my kids and husband.

I dug right into my summer semester classes today.  I'm taking PSYCH 2800--Statistics in Psychology, FCHD 3520--Children in the Middle Years, and CHEM 3650---Environmental Chemistry.  It's going to be an interesting semester.  The first two classes are required for my major and the chemistry class fulfills a depth requirement that the university has set for undergraduate degrees.  I'm most worried about the chemistry class.  I've never been very good at the sciences and I took CHEM1010 a long time ago.
So, that's whats happening in my neck of the woods.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One more down.

Well, I did it. I survived spring semester.  I took my finals on Tuesday.  I don't have my final grades yet, but I'm confident that I did well.  This marks the end of my 3rd semester and one entire year of classes.  Now I have a little break until Monday when summer semester begins. 
I went against my own advice and registered for 3 classes again this summer.  Mostly because I just want to get done with my degree as soon as possible.  My goal is to graduate in December 2012.  If I take 3 classes per semester through next summer and then do my senior capstone project in the Fall of 2012, I should make it. 
So the line-up for this summer is....
Environmental Chemistry
Statistics in Psychology
Children in the Middle Years

I know, right?  You're all wishing you could join me in my madness.  I took a peek online and my Environmental Chemistry class is up and running.  I read through the syllabus and introduction, but I'm not letting myself get started on the coursework until Monday.  I need and deserve a few days sans schoolwork. Besides, that's the class I'm most worried about so I'm really not too enthusiastic about jumping in. 
I'll post my final grades as soon as I get them.  But for now I'm just reveling in the joy of one more semester down and 5 more to go. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Support Staff

I just had to post about how wonderful and supportive my husband is with my schooling.  This week has been a good example.  I had a few hundred pages to read this week, an exam to take, a short paper to write, lectures to watch, and a 7 page paper to write for my adult development class.  Let's just say that on Monday I was feeling more than overwhelmed. 
I managed to get almost everything done by yesterday afternoon.  When Nate came home from work he asked if I'd gotten my paper done yet.  It was the last thing I had to do and I had hardly started on it.  He immediately informed me that he was going to make dinner so that I could get to work. 
I was expecting macaroni and cheese or something equally as simple and quick, but my fabulous husband proceeded to whip up a delicious made from scratch meal.  We had lemon chicken with rice and a homemade pound cake with lemon icing for dessert.  I'm not gonna lie.  It was better than what I was going to make.  =) He even cleaned up the kitchen afterward. 
I'm so grateful for a husband who doesn't hesitate to jump in and help out when I need it.  There's no way I could do all this on my own.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I just got my results back for my latest Adult Development & Aging exam.  Can you say 100%?!  I'm lovin' it!  Top that with the fact that I just finished my shortest and easiest stats module of the semester and today is a good school day.  Two more weeks!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What are you going to do with that?

When people first find out that I'm going to school I usually get three questions.
1) What's your major?

2) When you will be finished?

3) What are you going to do with that?

My major is Family Life Studies, I will be done in approximately 2 years (I decided to go back to 2 classes per semester), and I really hate question number 3.
I didn't go back to school with some lofty career goal in mind. I really didn't go back to school with any goal in mind other than to learn and to get my ever elusive bachelor's degree.
I'm a stay at home mom and I love being home with my kids.  For me, getting a college education was always just a given.  It was non-negotiable and I was well on my way until the man of my dreams interrupted me and we got married and started having babies!  (side note: I love my husband and my babies to death and I in no way harbor any ill feelings towards them for detouring me on my educational path.  They simply educated me in an entirely different way which has molded me into who I am now.) 
Now the stars have just aligned in a way that allows me to finish a degree online while still being a stay at home mom.  So what am I planning to do with my degree?  I plan to frame that sucker, put it on my wall, and use all my new found knowledge to make my life and the lives of my family better.  Whether that will include working full-time or simply applying the things that I learn to my own life, relationships, financing, etc. remains to be seen.  I'll cross that bridge when I get there.  So until then.....just don't ask. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting Ahead

So, I've posted before about how my statistics modules are due on Wednesdays and I usually spend Monday and Tuesday cramming them in, right?  Well, I'm happy to report that I finally learned my lesson and got a head start on my stats work this week.  I finished it all up this morning and even did all my reading, discussions, and my quiz for my economics class as well.  It's a nice feeling. 
I figure I'll finish up my adult development and aging work by Wednesday and then get a jump on my next stats module as well.  It's definitely better than cramming it in at the last minute. I think I remember things better this way too without having to get through it as fast as possible. 
So here's to a week with a slower pace!  Hopefully I can stick with it and can the procrastinating for good!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walmart Video Assignment

This week is officially spring break, but I thought I'd get a jump on a couple of assignments.  For my economics class, I had to watch this video about Walmart an write my reaction to it.  After watching this movie, my heart is breaking for all the people who have endured hardships in the name of Walmart profits.  I'd always heard that their practices weren't perfectly ethical, but I had no idea how bad it really is.
Take the time and watch it.   Click Here to be linked to the movie. It will open your eyes. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stats Midterm

I got my midterm back for my statistics class.  I got a 98!  Oh Happy Day! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Accidental Test

I just finished taking my first exam for my Economics class.  I took it entirely by accident and wasn't at all prepared!  I was checking my blackboard class site to see if the test needed to be taken at the testing center or at home when I accidentally clicked on the "begin assessment" button. The exam window popped up and there was no turning back.  I had one hour and if I closed the window I wouldn't be able to take the exam again.  I would be lying if I didn't say that a little part of me freaked out just a bit. 
And, of course, when I'm about half way through, the kids start arguing with each other in the other room.  It got to the point where I knew I had to intervene.  So, my kiddos spent the remainder of my test in time out. 
The test was mostly true or false questions with a few essay questions at the end.  I ended up with a grade of 88% on the portion that has been graded.  Not bad for not even having read the last chapter.  The test was closed book, which I honored.  Sometimes it can be very tempting to just open that textbook when these tests are at home.  Especially when you didn't mean to take the test.  I guess I'll have to be more careful about my clicking from here on out. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pulled Apart

Lately I feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions all at once. With school, I have a midterm this week, two exams next week, and a major project due next Friday. At home, I've got all the usual responsibilities such as laundry, meals, cleaning, entertaining the kids, grocery shopping, paying the bills, etc.  Then I also have church responsibilities.  I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting this Sunday.  I'm on the Relief Society activities committee and we're trying to plan an event that will take place in a couple weeks.  I have cub scouts every week. This week we have our pinewood derby which I have to make a few dozen cookies for and then be there all Saturday morning for the event.  We're also planning our blue and gold banquet which is coming up in  two weeks. I did co-op at my daughter's preschool this morning.  I just feel exhausted. I have way too much going on and I'm not the type of person who can just cut something out or do a barely passing job on one thing so that I can get everything else done.
Some days I wonder if adding school into the mix of everything I already have going on was a good idea. It's become such a give and take, such a balancing act.  It really wears me out sometimes. Like today.  There are dishes in the sink, there's clutter on my kitchen table, clean laundry waiting to be folded, children asking for a snack, dinner to be made, textbooks to be read, and a statistics midterm to take this afternoon and all I want to do is curl up into a ball in my bed and take a nap.  If only I could.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exam #1 at the Testing Center

All of my classes this semester are requiring exams to be proctored.  Luckily, USU has an education center in Salt Lake City.  They do distance education classes there and have a testing center.  Last Friday I took my first exam of the semester.  It was for my adult development and aging class. 
I've always been a fast test taker.  If I don't know the answer,then I don't know the answer.  I'm not one to sit and stew over it thinking I'll figure it out.  This test was mostly multiple choice with a few short answer questions thrown in.  I had studied the exam guide the professor had given us and felt pretty ready.
I was allotted 2 hours to take the exam.  I was in and out in about 20 minutes.  I felt pretty good about most of it, but was pretty sure I'd gotten my eye diseases mixed up.  The lady running the testing center was surprised I was done so soon and gave me a sort of "there's no way you finished that fast and did well" kind of a look. 
I got my score yesterday.  Can you say 96%?!  Sorry, but I'm a little excited.  Taking such a long break from school really put some doubts into my head about how well I would do.  So that 96% just made my day and gave me the nudge that I needed to keep moving forward.  I guess being a mommy hasn't sucked out ALL my brain cells yet.  It just goes to show that you can store all the lyrics to several Backyardigans episodes and knowledge about the biopsychosocial perspective on aging in the same brain. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Too Much?

I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed.  Actually I spent most of last night not sleeping because I was feeling overwhelmed and couldn't get my brain to just shut up and let me sleep.  It's only about a month into the semester and it seems like eternity!  I think that taking three classes was not a good idea.  I'm doing well in my classes, keeping up with the work and pulling good grades on everything, but I feel like it's totally consuming  my life.  I spend most of my days reading textbooks, watching lectures, or doing assignments.  I feel like a total slacker in the cooking and cleaning department.  I haven't been doing much real cooking lately and it took me a week to fold three loads of laundry and get them put away. 
I keep telling myself to take it one day at a time, but some days it's just hard to put all the daunting thoughts of how much needs to be done in the back of my head instead of in the front. 
Maybe next semester I should just stick to two classes.  Although, I did the math, and if I do three classes per semester I could be done in three more semesters.  Whereas if I only do two, it will take four or five.  I guess I'll see how the rest of this semester plays out.  I'm just not sure if finishing a couple semesters sooner is worth the stress and loss of sanity that I'm experiencing right now. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Finding the Time

One of the things I love most about taking all my classes online is also one of the most difficult aspects of online classes, making my own schedule.  In previous semesters, when my only internet access was down in my freezing cold basement, I would work on my classes during the kids' nap/quiet time and after they went to bed.  I always tried to do my reading that wasn't online during the day up in the living room or kitchen where I was still easily accessible to the kiddos. 
This semester is proving to be different due to two factors.  The first factor is that I have a laptop this semester and wireless internet in my house, so I can work on my classes upstairs.  The second factor is that I'm taking three classes instead of my usual two, which means more work to do.  Not to mention that class number three is statistics, which is incredibly time consuming. 

Most of my professors organize the course content into weekly units that are due every Friday.  The unit includes all your reading, assignments, quizzes, or exams that you may need to complete that week.  I really like this system because I can look at all my work for the entire week on Monday, figure out when I will work on what, then get it all done by Friday and take my weekend off.  But this semester....not so much.
My statistics class is organized into weekly modules which go from Wednesday to Wednesday rather than Friday to Friday.  Why does this matter?  Because it totally throws me off my groove.  I find myself working to finish statistics by Wednesday and then cramming in my two other courses by Friday.  Then, just when I could use a break, I have to get started on stats again or else I won't be done on time for the Wednesday deadline.  I'm not gonna lie.  It's wearing me out already. My goal for this week is to find more of a balance.  Maybe I'll set a goal to get ahead on my stats work so that I'm turning in Wednesday's work on the previous Friday. 

Anyway...that's my dilemma this week. Finding the time. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Trouble with Statistics

This semester I'm taking STAT1040, introduction to statistics.  Now, I haven't taken a math class since my AP Calculus class my senior year of high school so you can see why I was a bit apprehensive about taking one now.  I feel like with each child I had, a little bit of my brain power got sucked out.  I feel a lot more forgetful and flighty than I did pre-motherhood. 
I've heard conflicting opinions on the difficulty of statistics classes.  For some, they're incredibly difficult to understand and for others it's a piece of cake.  I think I'm somewhere in the middle.  So far, I'm finding the material pretty easy.  I think the most difficult part of it is understanding exactly what these questions are asking you for and remembering the formula or procedure to get you there.  My biggest problem with this class so far is the sheer amount of work!  I've taken A LOT of college classes, so I figure I've got a pretty good frame of reference for the amount of work they usually require and I'm finding that I have to spend significantly more time on this class than any of my others. 
Each week we have a module to complete.  The module consists of online lectures to watch, chapters to read, worksheets to complete, and various activities and assignments to turn in.  My professor says that she designed each module to require about 9 to 11 hours of "effort" to complete and I'm finding that she's right.  I don't remember ever having to spend that much time on any other class.  Maybe it's because it's a math class.  Like I said, I've never taken a math course at a university.  Regardless of the "why", it sure is exhausting trying to keep up with the modules and my other 2 classes.  I think that next semester, when I have to take Statistics in Psychology, I'll only be taking two classes.  Until then, I see a lot of frozen pizzas, unfolded laundry, and dust covered furniture in my future.  Sorry family. Mommy is checked out until the end of the semester.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finally Out of the Basement!

We live in an older home.  You know, the type where there's no adequate insulation and it's always freezing cold during the winter no matter what you do.  The only place in our frigid abode where we can put the computer and get the internet is in the basement, which is even colder than the rest of the house. Another problem with our computer locale is that the kids are hardly ever in the basement.  Their rooms are upstairs and that is where spend most of their day.  So I've spent my last two semesters either waiting until nap time to squeeze in some of my online assignments or readings or exams or waiting until after they're in bed and asleep to get things done.  I tried working on things while they were awake, but the inevitable interruptions just frustrated me.   
At the beginning of this semester, I used my financial aid money to purchase a laptop so that I could do my schoolwork upstairs.  A lot of my professors have readings or lectures that I can only access online, not to mention quizzes, assignments, etc.  I figured that with a laptop, I can work at the kitchen table while the kids are playing and still be accessible to them.  There was only one problem.  We had no wireless internet.
We were planning on getting a device from my husband's work in a few months.  We were given a wireless router, but I couldn't get it to work and concluded that it was incompatible with the software on my laptop. So I've been freezing my kertuckiss off watching statistics lectures and doing assignments down in the abyss for the past two weeks. 
Last night, we had a birthday party for my oldest and now, thanks to my brilliant older brother, I am typing in comfort at the kitchen table.  My brother is a whiz with computers. He looked at the router and worked his magic on the computer and voila!  It's so much nicer up here.   I can hear what the kids are up to, my toes aren't going to freeze off, and snacks are handy.  Snacks are very important while taking online classes. 
I look forward to diving into watching my statistics lectures tomorrow and reading my adult development lecture notes in warmth and comfort.  Not to mention getting my work done during the day so that my 'after-the-kids-bedtime' hours can be spent they way they're supposed to....relaxing on the couch watching a movie with my husband.  Hooray!

Friday, January 21, 2011

What's the Story Morning Glory?

My name is Ashley.  I used Amley in the title of this blog because I have an aunt who would always call me Amley Shay.  I've created this blog as a way for me to record my journey to my bachelors degree. 
Let's start with a little background, shall we?  I've always been a good student and loved learning.  Growing up, college was never a question.  It was simply the next step.  I graduated high school in the year 2000 and began attending Southern Utah University that fall at the ripe old age of 17. It was my first time living away from home, which was up near Ogden, Utah.  I lived in the dorms and had a great time with my roommates. 
I was at SUU on academic scholarship as a music education major. I later switched to a vocal performance major after I decided that teaching wasn't my thing. I stayed at SUU for three semesters, fall 2000, spring 2001, and fall 2001.  I think my big mistake was taking 21 credit hours during my fall semester while working part time and having to attend recitals and do performances.  I got overwhelmed and decided to move back home and attend Weber State.  My mom worked for WSU, so I got half off tuition there.  Also contributing to my decision was the fact that I'd gotten a 3.85 GPA instead of the 3.9 that I needed to keep my academic scholarship.  Now that I look back, I really just wimped out.  I loved SUU.  I should have stayed. 
So, I started at Weber in the spring of 2002 as a vocal performance major. I enjoyed it, but preferred the SUU music program.  I sang in their concert choir and auditioned and was accepted into the chamber choir for the following fall.  Things were going great and I was right on track with all my classes.  Then I met Nate.  I fell head over heels for Nate in April of 2002.  We were married that June.  I returned to Weber State in the fall as a distracted newlywed.  One thing you have to know about Nate is that he was raised in Las Vegas and hates the cold.  So, after our first winter together in northern Utah, he was ready to get back to a warmer climate.  We moved to St. George, UT in December of 2002.  On the wonderful advice of my mother, I took an online class from Weber to earn my A.S. degree.  The next spring, I talked Nate into moving to Cedar City so that we could both go to SUU. 
Nate started at SUU in the summer of 2003 and I returned in the Fall. But there was one hiccup.  I was pregnant.  Our son was due January 21, 2004.  But that didn't stop me from taking a full load of courses and doing my voice lessons and recitals.  My last recital was the second week of December when I was very, very pregnant. It must have been pretty amusing to watch my belly bounce up and down as I sang "E'amore Un Ladroncello". 
After our son was born, I didn't return to school for over a year.  By then we had moved back up to Ogden and Nate was attending WSU.  I decided that I didn't want to finish my degree in music, but wanted to go in a different direction.  I chose family studies.  I took three courses in the spring of 2005 and two in the fall.  Then I was pregnant again. 
It wasn't until this last summer, five years and two more children later, that I found a way to go back.  Being a stay at home mom with three young children makes going to school on campus in a traditional manner pretty impossible. After a lot of searching, I was delighted to find the online Family Life Studies program at Utah State University.  I'm on my third semester now and loving it. 
So there you have it.  That's how I got to where I am.  Feel free to hang around and see how I handle being a full time mother and wife and a part time student.