Monday, May 9, 2011

My 5 day break and Jumping Back In

I'm thrilled to report that I received 200/200 on my stats exam and 98/100 on my development and aging exam!  I love ending the semester strong.  I earned A's in all three of my spring semester classes.

Since summer semester starts today, I only had a few days off in between.  I wish I could say that I used the time to get something grand accomplished such as my spring cleaning or some big project or something, but I mostly did the opposite.  I used the time to do absolutely nothing!  I read a book that was NOT a text book, and enjoyed spending time with my kids and husband.

I dug right into my summer semester classes today.  I'm taking PSYCH 2800--Statistics in Psychology, FCHD 3520--Children in the Middle Years, and CHEM 3650---Environmental Chemistry.  It's going to be an interesting semester.  The first two classes are required for my major and the chemistry class fulfills a depth requirement that the university has set for undergraduate degrees.  I'm most worried about the chemistry class.  I've never been very good at the sciences and I took CHEM1010 a long time ago.
So, that's whats happening in my neck of the woods.  Wish me luck!

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