Thursday, May 5, 2011

One more down.

Well, I did it. I survived spring semester.  I took my finals on Tuesday.  I don't have my final grades yet, but I'm confident that I did well.  This marks the end of my 3rd semester and one entire year of classes.  Now I have a little break until Monday when summer semester begins. 
I went against my own advice and registered for 3 classes again this summer.  Mostly because I just want to get done with my degree as soon as possible.  My goal is to graduate in December 2012.  If I take 3 classes per semester through next summer and then do my senior capstone project in the Fall of 2012, I should make it. 
So the line-up for this summer is....
Environmental Chemistry
Statistics in Psychology
Children in the Middle Years

I know, right?  You're all wishing you could join me in my madness.  I took a peek online and my Environmental Chemistry class is up and running.  I read through the syllabus and introduction, but I'm not letting myself get started on the coursework until Monday.  I need and deserve a few days sans schoolwork. Besides, that's the class I'm most worried about so I'm really not too enthusiastic about jumping in. 
I'll post my final grades as soon as I get them.  But for now I'm just reveling in the joy of one more semester down and 5 more to go. 

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