Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting in the Swing of Things

This is the second week of the summer semester and all my classes are in full swing.  I can already tell that environmental chemistry is going to be my least favorite.  The lectures are insanely long.  We're talking 3-4 hours worth of lectures for each chapter.  I just can't stay interested in chemistry for that long.  It's just not in me!  My goal for this class is simply to pass, hopefully with at least a B. 
My psychological stats class is pretty easy so far because it's just reviewing things I learned last semester in intro to stats.  I'm pretty confident that as long as I keep up with the pace and watch the lectures, I'll do well.  She's a good teacher and explains things really well. 
As for middle childhood, I think it will be really interesting.  Right now the professor is having some technical difficulties, so a lot of the course content isn't posted.  She's just got us doing the reading and discussions and working on a library assignment that is due next week. 
I made it through my first week without missing any deadlines and I've figured out the schedules for the classes.  Chemistry is due on Wednesdays, stats on Tuesdays, and middle childhood is due on Fridays.  My two girls got sick over the weekend.  So in between playing nurse and hauling around my clingy 2 year old I've been trying to listen to lectures, do my reading, and remember how to convert parts per million to molarity. 
So far, so good. 

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