Monday, January 31, 2011

Finding the Time

One of the things I love most about taking all my classes online is also one of the most difficult aspects of online classes, making my own schedule.  In previous semesters, when my only internet access was down in my freezing cold basement, I would work on my classes during the kids' nap/quiet time and after they went to bed.  I always tried to do my reading that wasn't online during the day up in the living room or kitchen where I was still easily accessible to the kiddos. 
This semester is proving to be different due to two factors.  The first factor is that I have a laptop this semester and wireless internet in my house, so I can work on my classes upstairs.  The second factor is that I'm taking three classes instead of my usual two, which means more work to do.  Not to mention that class number three is statistics, which is incredibly time consuming. 

Most of my professors organize the course content into weekly units that are due every Friday.  The unit includes all your reading, assignments, quizzes, or exams that you may need to complete that week.  I really like this system because I can look at all my work for the entire week on Monday, figure out when I will work on what, then get it all done by Friday and take my weekend off.  But this semester....not so much.
My statistics class is organized into weekly modules which go from Wednesday to Wednesday rather than Friday to Friday.  Why does this matter?  Because it totally throws me off my groove.  I find myself working to finish statistics by Wednesday and then cramming in my two other courses by Friday.  Then, just when I could use a break, I have to get started on stats again or else I won't be done on time for the Wednesday deadline.  I'm not gonna lie.  It's wearing me out already. My goal for this week is to find more of a balance.  Maybe I'll set a goal to get ahead on my stats work so that I'm turning in Wednesday's work on the previous Friday. 

Anyway...that's my dilemma this week. Finding the time. 

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