Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finally Out of the Basement!

We live in an older home.  You know, the type where there's no adequate insulation and it's always freezing cold during the winter no matter what you do.  The only place in our frigid abode where we can put the computer and get the internet is in the basement, which is even colder than the rest of the house. Another problem with our computer locale is that the kids are hardly ever in the basement.  Their rooms are upstairs and that is where spend most of their day.  So I've spent my last two semesters either waiting until nap time to squeeze in some of my online assignments or readings or exams or waiting until after they're in bed and asleep to get things done.  I tried working on things while they were awake, but the inevitable interruptions just frustrated me.   
At the beginning of this semester, I used my financial aid money to purchase a laptop so that I could do my schoolwork upstairs.  A lot of my professors have readings or lectures that I can only access online, not to mention quizzes, assignments, etc.  I figured that with a laptop, I can work at the kitchen table while the kids are playing and still be accessible to them.  There was only one problem.  We had no wireless internet.
We were planning on getting a device from my husband's work in a few months.  We were given a wireless router, but I couldn't get it to work and concluded that it was incompatible with the software on my laptop. So I've been freezing my kertuckiss off watching statistics lectures and doing assignments down in the abyss for the past two weeks. 
Last night, we had a birthday party for my oldest and now, thanks to my brilliant older brother, I am typing in comfort at the kitchen table.  My brother is a whiz with computers. He looked at the router and worked his magic on the computer and voila!  It's so much nicer up here.   I can hear what the kids are up to, my toes aren't going to freeze off, and snacks are handy.  Snacks are very important while taking online classes. 
I look forward to diving into watching my statistics lectures tomorrow and reading my adult development lecture notes in warmth and comfort.  Not to mention getting my work done during the day so that my 'after-the-kids-bedtime' hours can be spent they way they're supposed to....relaxing on the couch watching a movie with my husband.  Hooray!

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