Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Trouble with Statistics

This semester I'm taking STAT1040, introduction to statistics.  Now, I haven't taken a math class since my AP Calculus class my senior year of high school so you can see why I was a bit apprehensive about taking one now.  I feel like with each child I had, a little bit of my brain power got sucked out.  I feel a lot more forgetful and flighty than I did pre-motherhood. 
I've heard conflicting opinions on the difficulty of statistics classes.  For some, they're incredibly difficult to understand and for others it's a piece of cake.  I think I'm somewhere in the middle.  So far, I'm finding the material pretty easy.  I think the most difficult part of it is understanding exactly what these questions are asking you for and remembering the formula or procedure to get you there.  My biggest problem with this class so far is the sheer amount of work!  I've taken A LOT of college classes, so I figure I've got a pretty good frame of reference for the amount of work they usually require and I'm finding that I have to spend significantly more time on this class than any of my others. 
Each week we have a module to complete.  The module consists of online lectures to watch, chapters to read, worksheets to complete, and various activities and assignments to turn in.  My professor says that she designed each module to require about 9 to 11 hours of "effort" to complete and I'm finding that she's right.  I don't remember ever having to spend that much time on any other class.  Maybe it's because it's a math class.  Like I said, I've never taken a math course at a university.  Regardless of the "why", it sure is exhausting trying to keep up with the modules and my other 2 classes.  I think that next semester, when I have to take Statistics in Psychology, I'll only be taking two classes.  Until then, I see a lot of frozen pizzas, unfolded laundry, and dust covered furniture in my future.  Sorry family. Mommy is checked out until the end of the semester.

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