Monday, February 7, 2011

Too Much?

I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed.  Actually I spent most of last night not sleeping because I was feeling overwhelmed and couldn't get my brain to just shut up and let me sleep.  It's only about a month into the semester and it seems like eternity!  I think that taking three classes was not a good idea.  I'm doing well in my classes, keeping up with the work and pulling good grades on everything, but I feel like it's totally consuming  my life.  I spend most of my days reading textbooks, watching lectures, or doing assignments.  I feel like a total slacker in the cooking and cleaning department.  I haven't been doing much real cooking lately and it took me a week to fold three loads of laundry and get them put away. 
I keep telling myself to take it one day at a time, but some days it's just hard to put all the daunting thoughts of how much needs to be done in the back of my head instead of in the front. 
Maybe next semester I should just stick to two classes.  Although, I did the math, and if I do three classes per semester I could be done in three more semesters.  Whereas if I only do two, it will take four or five.  I guess I'll see how the rest of this semester plays out.  I'm just not sure if finishing a couple semesters sooner is worth the stress and loss of sanity that I'm experiencing right now. 

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