Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pulled Apart

Lately I feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions all at once. With school, I have a midterm this week, two exams next week, and a major project due next Friday. At home, I've got all the usual responsibilities such as laundry, meals, cleaning, entertaining the kids, grocery shopping, paying the bills, etc.  Then I also have church responsibilities.  I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting this Sunday.  I'm on the Relief Society activities committee and we're trying to plan an event that will take place in a couple weeks.  I have cub scouts every week. This week we have our pinewood derby which I have to make a few dozen cookies for and then be there all Saturday morning for the event.  We're also planning our blue and gold banquet which is coming up in  two weeks. I did co-op at my daughter's preschool this morning.  I just feel exhausted. I have way too much going on and I'm not the type of person who can just cut something out or do a barely passing job on one thing so that I can get everything else done.
Some days I wonder if adding school into the mix of everything I already have going on was a good idea. It's become such a give and take, such a balancing act.  It really wears me out sometimes. Like today.  There are dishes in the sink, there's clutter on my kitchen table, clean laundry waiting to be folded, children asking for a snack, dinner to be made, textbooks to be read, and a statistics midterm to take this afternoon and all I want to do is curl up into a ball in my bed and take a nap.  If only I could.

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