Saturday, August 13, 2011

Goodbye Summer Semester!

Summer semester is officially over!  I can't tell you how thrilled I am about that.  I finished up all my exams and assignments last Saturday at 4:30am.  Then we left late that night for a family camping trip to Oregon.  It was so nice to have all my school work finished before we left so that I could just relax and enjoy. 
I feel like I did pretty well in my classes.  Final grades aren't posted yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll have two A's and a B.  The B will likely be in statistics.  As much as I loathed environmental chemistry, I think I got an A, maybe an A-.  
So I'm finally taking my own advice and slowing things down a bit.  I know I said that at the end of spring semester, but this time I mean it.  Since January, I have been taking 3 classes each semester.  I have been stressed out, tired, a bit moody, and insanely busy ever since.  So I am only taking 2 classes this fall, Family Finance and Research Writing with a Persuasive Emphasis.  Scaling back by one class per semester will only delay my graduation by one semester.  So I figured I'd rather graduate with my sanity intact and my family taken care of. 
Fall semester starts August 29th.  I'm really looking forward to having the next 2 weeks to breathe. 

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