Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I see the light at the end of the summer semester tunnel!

I realize that I haven't really made good use of this blog.  I don't update it as often as I had initially intended to.  But I do like having a place specifically for all my education related musings, rants, questions, etc. 
The summer semester is finally winding down.  By that I mean that it's almost over.  The workload has done nothing but increase.  We're going on a family vacation during finals week, so I'm scrambling and cramming to get everything finished and turned in and all my tests taken by next Friday.  I didn't think that this would be too difficult because finals week usually just consists of one exam per class.  But for some reason, two of my three professors have deemed it appropriate to have several assignments during that week in addition to our exams. 
So, more for my benefit than yours, here is the breakdown of everything I have to get done in the next 9 days:
  • For Psych Statistics----luckily my professor is very straightforward and sensible.  I've already completed all of the assignments, including the one that's not due until next week.  She's posting our take home test this Friday and then the proctored portion of the exam is available next Friday, just in time.  The take home will be the most time consuming and requires a few hours at the distance education center in Salt Lake to complete.  I plan to have it finished by next Tuesday or Wednesday so I have time to study for the proctored portion.
  • For Environmental Chemisty---This one really kind of irritates me.  We usually have one set of chapter problems per week, but for some reason my professor decided to have two sets of chapter problems due during finals week as well as our final exam. So I have three sets of chapter problems to complete and I have two exams to finish by next Friday.  He just posted Exam #2 yesterday and said that when I email him that I'm ready, he'll post the final for me.  His exams consist of 2 very extensive essays as well as an analysis and report on an article from a popular news source.  Here's an example of one of my essay questions:      
 Starting with a brief description of the ‘spheres’ on earth (e.g.,
atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, etc.) describe the chemical cycle of
one of the nutrient or micronutrient elements. Be sure to answer the following in your

 How does how the molecular identity of the element changes in space and/or time? Be sure to make the distinction between organic and mineral forms of the element.
How does sunlight influence the chemistry?
 What influence does oxygen have on the oxidation state?
 What are typical species found on the surface? How does speciation change with environment?
 Describe at least two mechanisms for interaction between the ‘spheres.’
Incorporate equations, e.g., Henry’s Law, where possible, pointing out what each term in the equation means, and how the equation is used to model the environment. What are the main transportation mechanisms in the air, soils and in water?

 How, if anyway, is man influencing the role of this element?
 Speculate how understanding the natural cycle may help understand pollution chemistry.
Yes, that is all one question.   I find that each question takes about 4 to 5 pages to answer thoroughly and if you don't answer it all thoroughly, you don't get the points for it. 
  • For Middle Childhood Development---We have weekly discussions we have to read and contribute to.  During finals week, the professor wants us to watch a movie depicting middle childhood, something like 'The Sandlot' or 'Stand By Me' and write up an analysis of examples of different theories of middle childhood development that we saw in the movie as well as any textbook cases of various developmental stages that were shown.  In addition to this, I have one more observation paper to write.  This requires me to carry out one of her listed activities with a set of school-aged children and analyze the results in a 5+ page paper.  
I'm still not sure how I'm going to get it all done.  But, on the bright side, in 10 days it will all be over and I'll be enjoying my 3 week break before fall semester.  I'll just take a deep breath, order some pizza for dinner, pour myself a tall, icy glass of diet Coke and get to it!

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