Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What are you going to do with that?

When people first find out that I'm going to school I usually get three questions.
1) What's your major?

2) When you will be finished?

3) What are you going to do with that?

My major is Family Life Studies, I will be done in approximately 2 years (I decided to go back to 2 classes per semester), and I really hate question number 3.
I didn't go back to school with some lofty career goal in mind. I really didn't go back to school with any goal in mind other than to learn and to get my ever elusive bachelor's degree.
I'm a stay at home mom and I love being home with my kids.  For me, getting a college education was always just a given.  It was non-negotiable and I was well on my way until the man of my dreams interrupted me and we got married and started having babies!  (side note: I love my husband and my babies to death and I in no way harbor any ill feelings towards them for detouring me on my educational path.  They simply educated me in an entirely different way which has molded me into who I am now.) 
Now the stars have just aligned in a way that allows me to finish a degree online while still being a stay at home mom.  So what am I planning to do with my degree?  I plan to frame that sucker, put it on my wall, and use all my new found knowledge to make my life and the lives of my family better.  Whether that will include working full-time or simply applying the things that I learn to my own life, relationships, financing, etc. remains to be seen.  I'll cross that bridge when I get there.  So until then.....just don't ask. 

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