Monday, May 23, 2011

I should have listened to my gut.

Summer semester is only 3 weeks along and I'm already feeling burned out and overwhelmed.  I should have taken my own advice and either taken the summer off or just taken two classes instead of three. 
Oh, and my chemistry class is of the devil!  That is all. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting in the Swing of Things

This is the second week of the summer semester and all my classes are in full swing.  I can already tell that environmental chemistry is going to be my least favorite.  The lectures are insanely long.  We're talking 3-4 hours worth of lectures for each chapter.  I just can't stay interested in chemistry for that long.  It's just not in me!  My goal for this class is simply to pass, hopefully with at least a B. 
My psychological stats class is pretty easy so far because it's just reviewing things I learned last semester in intro to stats.  I'm pretty confident that as long as I keep up with the pace and watch the lectures, I'll do well.  She's a good teacher and explains things really well. 
As for middle childhood, I think it will be really interesting.  Right now the professor is having some technical difficulties, so a lot of the course content isn't posted.  She's just got us doing the reading and discussions and working on a library assignment that is due next week. 
I made it through my first week without missing any deadlines and I've figured out the schedules for the classes.  Chemistry is due on Wednesdays, stats on Tuesdays, and middle childhood is due on Fridays.  My two girls got sick over the weekend.  So in between playing nurse and hauling around my clingy 2 year old I've been trying to listen to lectures, do my reading, and remember how to convert parts per million to molarity. 
So far, so good. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

My 5 day break and Jumping Back In

I'm thrilled to report that I received 200/200 on my stats exam and 98/100 on my development and aging exam!  I love ending the semester strong.  I earned A's in all three of my spring semester classes.

Since summer semester starts today, I only had a few days off in between.  I wish I could say that I used the time to get something grand accomplished such as my spring cleaning or some big project or something, but I mostly did the opposite.  I used the time to do absolutely nothing!  I read a book that was NOT a text book, and enjoyed spending time with my kids and husband.

I dug right into my summer semester classes today.  I'm taking PSYCH 2800--Statistics in Psychology, FCHD 3520--Children in the Middle Years, and CHEM 3650---Environmental Chemistry.  It's going to be an interesting semester.  The first two classes are required for my major and the chemistry class fulfills a depth requirement that the university has set for undergraduate degrees.  I'm most worried about the chemistry class.  I've never been very good at the sciences and I took CHEM1010 a long time ago.
So, that's whats happening in my neck of the woods.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One more down.

Well, I did it. I survived spring semester.  I took my finals on Tuesday.  I don't have my final grades yet, but I'm confident that I did well.  This marks the end of my 3rd semester and one entire year of classes.  Now I have a little break until Monday when summer semester begins. 
I went against my own advice and registered for 3 classes again this summer.  Mostly because I just want to get done with my degree as soon as possible.  My goal is to graduate in December 2012.  If I take 3 classes per semester through next summer and then do my senior capstone project in the Fall of 2012, I should make it. 
So the line-up for this summer is....
Environmental Chemistry
Statistics in Psychology
Children in the Middle Years

I know, right?  You're all wishing you could join me in my madness.  I took a peek online and my Environmental Chemistry class is up and running.  I read through the syllabus and introduction, but I'm not letting myself get started on the coursework until Monday.  I need and deserve a few days sans schoolwork. Besides, that's the class I'm most worried about so I'm really not too enthusiastic about jumping in. 
I'll post my final grades as soon as I get them.  But for now I'm just reveling in the joy of one more semester down and 5 more to go.