Thursday, January 26, 2012

3 weeks in

This is the third week of the semester and it feels more like it should be at least midterm by now.  All four of my classes are quite intense.  I feel like I'm spending every spare second I have watching lectures, reading a textbook, taking a quiz, researching for a paper, writing a paper, or reading and participating in online discussions.  Two of my four classes are taught by the same professor.  I've had her before and she is very demanding and has very high expectations, which is a good thing but definitely makes my life a bit more busy.  She is also very big on group projects.  So, this semester I will be doing three large group projects which all include research and papers.  I've never done group work for my online or distance classes before, so this will be interesting. 
So far I'm keeping up with everything.  Let's hope I can maintain that and still get the laundry done.  =) 

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