Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting Ahead

So, I've posted before about how my statistics modules are due on Wednesdays and I usually spend Monday and Tuesday cramming them in, right?  Well, I'm happy to report that I finally learned my lesson and got a head start on my stats work this week.  I finished it all up this morning and even did all my reading, discussions, and my quiz for my economics class as well.  It's a nice feeling. 
I figure I'll finish up my adult development and aging work by Wednesday and then get a jump on my next stats module as well.  It's definitely better than cramming it in at the last minute. I think I remember things better this way too without having to get through it as fast as possible. 
So here's to a week with a slower pace!  Hopefully I can stick with it and can the procrastinating for good!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walmart Video Assignment

This week is officially spring break, but I thought I'd get a jump on a couple of assignments.  For my economics class, I had to watch this video about Walmart an write my reaction to it.  After watching this movie, my heart is breaking for all the people who have endured hardships in the name of Walmart profits.  I'd always heard that their practices weren't perfectly ethical, but I had no idea how bad it really is.
Take the time and watch it.   Click Here to be linked to the movie. It will open your eyes. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stats Midterm

I got my midterm back for my statistics class.  I got a 98!  Oh Happy Day!